Essential Information
TK through 5th Grade
School Begins: 8:00 a.m.
School Dismissed: 2:23 p.m. (Mon, Wed, Thurs and Fri); *1:23 p.m. (Every Tues)
On minimum days, school will be dismissed at 12:43 p.m. See monthly calendar for specific dates.
* Please do not drop your child off at school before 7:40 a.m. There is NO supervision before this time. The safety of our students is VERY important to us.
Our playground will be open after school from dismissal to 6:00 p.m. including banked Tuesdays from 1:23-6:00. The after-school playground follows LAUSD rules and is available for students in Grades 2-5 only as this is a permissive program. Children must follow the direction of the playground supervisor(s). If your child does not follow these guidelines, your child will be restricted from the after-school playground and will need to be picked up directly after school is dismissed. For the safety of our students, they may NOT leave the grounds and then return.
Please complete an information card for the Youth Services yard director if your child will be staying on the after-school playground. Please be on time to pick your children up. Many times, children are left beyond the supervision times. At 6:10 p.m. the yard director is authorized to call LAPD to take your child into their care.
Electronic Attendance System
In October 2009, the Los Angele Unified School District converted to an on-line attendance reporting system. Each morning teachers log on to the District website to note those students who are absent. Students who arrive late are entered into the system as tardy for the day. In addition, students who leave school early have their check-out time entered into the system. The system recognizes students who arrive late or leave early as tardy since both situations cause students to miss instructional time.
An automated phone system notifies parents the same day their son/daughter has been marked either absent or tardy. One phone call is made at 10am and another at 6pm. Please be advised that the system uses one generic message for students who are tardy or absent.
When children are absent for any cause, parents are required to send a note to school giving the specific reason for the absence. Tardiness should also be verified by a note. State law requires that each absence be verified. Absences are excused only when a child is absent from school due to illness or medical appointments. Please keep your child out of school only when he/she is ill.
We encourage you to make your child’s doctor and dental appointments outside of school hours. Senate Bill (SB) 727 placed in effect that the School Districts will no longer receive funds from the State for any student absence. Therefore, the school loses money (approximately $35.00 per day) each time a child is absent. Unless your child is ill, please make sure that your child attends school and arrives on time!
Parents are welcome to visit the school, meet their child’s teacher, and become acquainted with the school program. Twenty minutes is the suggested time limit for visitations. We require that visitors come to the office first, to obtain a visitor’s badge, and sign-in. For the safety of our children, you must come to the office if you need to check your child out of school. In order for each teacher to get to know the children, it is strongly recommended that parents wait until after Back to School Night to make classroom visits.
In 2024, LAUSD's Board of Education passed a resolution that restricts schools from unnecessary classroom interruptions. As a result, our office will no longer contact classes when food or belongings are dropped off in our office. All families are advised to make lunch arrangements each morning before the school day. We will only show leniency for an occasional emergency situation. Please keep in mind that students can eat for free in our cafeteria this upcoming year. If you are unable to pack a lunch for your child, they will have the option to eat either a cold or hot lunch meal.
Carpenter Folder
Please be sure to read all the valuable information found in our digital welcome folder. A link to that folder will be emailed out to all families the first week of school. You may wish to keep the link to the digital folder on your desktop for easy reference. It is essential that all documents in the digital welcome folder be completed and submitted to our office.
Ongoing Carpenter Information
Please monitor all school phone blasts, emails, and text messages for the latest information from our school administration. You should also expect regular information from your child's teacher and the room parent for the class.
Additional sources for school information include this web site, which is updated weekly, the weekly all-school e-mail blast, the PTA's Carpenter Weekly digital newsletter, and automated phone calls that include important announcements.