ENRICHMENT » Focus on Dance/Creative Movement

Focus on Dance/Creative Movement


Could you mindfully meditate at age 6, do downward dog at age 8, or do multiple international dance styles at age 10? Most of us didn't get that opportunity; but our kids do and our kids can.

At Carpenter, our mission is to educate the whole-child, and through superb enrichment classes such as our dance and creative movement program, we give our children the best education possible.

Our phenomenal dance instructor, Rae Toledo Latch, brings more than 35 years of dance along with 20 years of teaching experience to Carpenter. She shares her energy and extensive knowledge of dance and creative movement with our students through classes and school wide celebrations. Ms. Rae creates a curriculum-based dance education and experience for every grade level. The program and its content reinforces history context, and draws on complex understandings of timing, geometry, measurements, pattern and rhythm.

Our creative movement program also supports emotional intelligence, through self-awareness and human interaction and gives children life skills such as discipline, focus and the confidence to perform. At the same time, children develop self-esteem and find ways to express their own creativity.

"Dance and movement make a huge impact on children's lives by building their self-confidence," says Miss Rae. "It allows kids to express themselves and their feelings artistically through movement, and for many in ways they sometimes otherwise can't. Due to dance, I've seen the shyest of children blossom into graceful and confident human beings. I feel honored to teach such a wonderful group of students and enrich their world and support their academic learning with skills they'll use for the rest of their lives."

Here is an inside view of just some of what your child might be learning in dance:

Yoga & meditation, partner dancing, dances about sharing, friendship, rhythm & environment, introduction to various dance styles (ballet, tap, jazz, hip-hop)
First Grade:
Yoga & meditation, partner dancing, various dance styles (ballet, tap, jazz, hip-hop), introduction to martial arts
Second Grade:
Yoga & meditation, partner dancing, martial arts, various dance styles, Broadway
Third Grade:
Yoga and meditation, Introduction to Jedi Knight training, martial arts, Introduction to International dance styles (including: Bollywood, Salsa, Country, Irish & more)
Fourth Grade:
Yoga and meditation, pilates, Jedi Knight training, Broadway, International dance styles (including: Bollywood, Salsa, Country, Irish & more) , Introduction to choreography
Fifth Grade:
Yoga and meditation, pilates, Jedi Knight training, multiple international dance styles, (including: Bollywood, Salsa, Country, Irish & more), choreography sessions, class culmination dance

Dance can be described as "a communication between body and soul, to express what is too deep to find for words" ~ Ruth St. Debis. Indeed, our children are being offered this very experience.

At Carpenter, our mission is to educate the whole-child, and through superb enrichment classes such as our dance and creative movement program, we give our children the best education possible.

For more information on our programs, how to get involved or to answer any questions, please email us at [email protected].