Information Required To Apply to Carpenter
To complete a child’s application to Carpenter, a parent/guardian must provide the following:
- Completed application forms
- Completed medical forms
- Record of immunizations [see IMMUNIZATION for immunization requirements]
- Legal proof of birth: original Birth Certificate (no copies)
- Parent’s/guardian’s current driver’s license
- Three months Gas/DWP utility bills
- From the time of enrollment. For example, if you enroll your child in March 2025, you will need to upload the March, February, and January 2025 bills
- Owners: Property Tax Bill from year of enrollment (if home purchased that year, provide Escrow and Title, and following year’s Property Tax Bill)
- Owners: Proof of property insurance
- Renters: Lease/Rental Agreement with owner’s or management company name and contact information
- Renters: Bank Statements with cancelled checks for three (3) monthly rent checks starting at the date of enrollment. (online bank statements will not be accepted) , OR
- Any additional documents you may feel would verify your residence.
If your child’s residence cannot be verified with the above documents, additional documentation may be required.
If your child is enrolling in grades 1-5, we require a report card to verify grade placement. If child already attends an LAUSD school, a P.A.R. (pupil accounting report) from the current school is required by the end of the current school year.