POLICIES & RULES » Cell Phone, Smartwatch, and Digital Device Policy

Cell Phone, Smartwatch, and Digital Device Policy

Our school has adopted the following policy covering the use of cell/smartphones and other internet connected devices by students while on campus (during regular school hours and during on-campus after school activities) or field trips.
The overarching goals are (i) to promote focus on academic, enrichment, and in-person social connections while at school and (ii) to promote student safety by limiting exposure to unmonitored internet access, decreasing risks posed by unmonitored social media access/posting, and reducing the potential for unconsented photography/videography/audio recording. To support these goals:
  1. During regular school hours, during field trips, and during regular hours of on-campus afterschool activities:
    1. Cell/smartphone use is not permitted. Any such devices must be stored in the owner’s backpack and powered off during these times—students are not permitted to keep such devices in their pockets/clothing, in their desks, or otherwise within easy reach. The device should be fully inside of the backpack and not visible.
    2. Other internet-connected devices, such as tablets or smartwatches, cannot be used in any capacity that mimics a cell/smartphone (e.g., for internet access, communication, or recording).
    3. Unsupervised use of tablets or laptops to work on assignments is only allowed when specifically permitted by a teacher, field trip facilitator, or afterschool program. In such cases, using the device for activities not directly related to the assignment (e.g., general web browsing, watching videos, playing games, etc.) is not permitted.
    4. Use of tablets or laptops for other purposes is only allowed under the direct permission and supervision of an instructor (i.e., a teacher or an activity facilitator) as part of an established instructional activity.
  2. Use of devices are allowed under the following limited circumstances and for the following limited purposes:
    1. After a regular school day has ended, a cell/smartphone may be used solely for the purpose of coordinating pickup with a caregiver. To use a cell/smartphone for this purpose, a student must (i) go to the area between the two chicken/animal enclosures, (ii) retrieve their device from their backpack and power it on only when in this area, and (iii) adhere to any guidance from school personnel regarding pausing or stopping use.
    2. When a student’s time at a field trip or on-campus afterschool activity is ending, a cell/smartphone may be used solely for the purpose of coordinating pickup with a caregiver. To use a cell/smartphone for this purpose, a student must (i) ask the field trip facilitator or afterschool instructor for permission to retrieve their device from their backpack and power it on, (ii) use the device in an area designated by their instructor and where the instructor can see the student while using the cell/smartphone, and (iii) adhere to any guidance from the instructor regarding pausing or stopping use.
    3. Cell/smartphones, tablets, laptops, and related devices may be used at other times and in other ways if indicated as a part of a student’s individualized education program or 504 plan (or if otherwise part of guidance from a student’s licensed medical providers).
  3. Use of cell/smartphones, other internet-connected devices, or other devices of any kind for photography, videography, or audio recording is not permitted at any time.
  4. The Carpenter Community Charter School is NOT responsible for lost or stolen devices.
  5. Violation of this policy may result in confiscation of a device until a caregiver can pick it up. Future use of such a device may be prohibited for serious and/or repeated violations.
The school is NOT responsible for lost or stolen items. Carpenter does not recommend elementary children having internet access on their cell phones. In addition, the administration advises against students having access to social media sites.